Excel SUMIFS Function

The Excel SUMIFS function returns the sum of all numbers in a specified range based on multiple criteria

Example: Excel SUMIFS Function

Excel SUMIFS Function

METHOD 1. Excel SUMIFS Function using hardcoded values


Result in cell G9 (10,970) - returns the sum of all numbers in range (E9:E14) that are associated with year 2017 and Bread from ranges (B9:B14) and (D9:D14), respectively.

METHOD 2. Excel SUMIFS Function using links


Result in cell G9 (10,970) - returns the sum of all numbers in range (E9:E14) that are associated with the value in cells (C5) and (C6) from ranges (B9:B14) and (D9:D14), respectively.

METHOD 3. Excel SUMIFS function using the Excel built-in function library with hardcoded values


Formulas tab > Function Library group > Math & Trig > SUMIFS > populate the input boxes

Note: in this example we are summing the numbers in range (E9:E14) that are associated with year 2017 and Bread from ranges (B9:B14) and (D9:D14), respectively.
Built-in Excel SUMIFS Function using hardocded values

METHOD 4. Excel SUMIFS function using the Excel built-in function library with links


Formulas tab > Function Library group > Math & Trig > SUMIFS > populate the input boxes

Note: in this example we are summing the numbers in range (E9:E14) that are associated with the value in cells (C5) and (C6) from ranges (B9:B14) and (D9:D14), respectively.
Built-in Excel SUMIFS Function using links

METHOD 1. Excel SUMIFS function using VBA with hardcoded values


Sub Excel_SUMIFS_Function()
'declare a variable
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("SUMIFS")

'apply the Excel SUMIF function
ws.Range("G9") = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("E9:E14"), ws.Range("B9:B14"), 2017, ws.Range("D9:D14"), "Bread")

End Sub

Worksheets: The Worksheets object represents all of the worksheets in a workbook, excluding chart sheets.
Range: The Range object is a representation of a single cell or a range of cells in a worksheet.
Worksheet Name: Have a worksheet named SUMIFS.
Sum Range: Ensure that the data you want sum is captured in range ("E9:E14").
Range: Ensure that the corresponding ranges (range1 and range2) to the sum range are captured in ranges ("B9:B14") and ("D9:D14"), respectively.

Output Range: Select the output range by changing the cell reference ("G9") in the VBA code to any cell in the worksheet, that doesn't conflict with formula.
Sum Range: Select the range that you want to sum by changing the range ("E9:E14") to any range in the worksheet, that doesn't conflict with the formula.
Range: Select the corresponding ranges (range1 and range2) to the sum range by changing the ranges ("B9:B14") and ("D9:D14"), respectively, to any range in the worksheet, that doesn't conflict with the formula.

METHOD 2. Excel SUMIFS function using VBA with links


Sub Excel_SUMIFS_Function()
'declare a variable
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("SUMIFS")

'apply the Excel SUMIFS function
ws.Range("G9") = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIfs(ws.Range("E9:E14"), ws.Range("B9:B14"), ws.Range("C5"), ws.Range("D9:D14"), ws.Range("C6"))

End Sub

Worksheets: The Worksheets object represents all of the worksheets in a workbook, excluding chart sheets.
Range: The Range object is a representation of a single cell or a range of cells in a worksheet.
Worksheet Name: Have a worksheet named SUMIFS.
Sum Range: Ensure that the data you want sum is captured in range ("E9:E14").
Range: Ensure that the corresponding ranges (range1 and range2) to the sum range are captured in ranges ("B9:B14") and ("D9:D14"), respectively.

Output Range: Select the output range by changing the cell reference ("G9") in the VBA code to any cell in the worksheet, that doesn't conflict with formula.
Sum Range: Select the range that you want to sum by changing the range ("E9:E14") to any range in the worksheet, that doesn't conflict with the formula.
Range: Select the corresponding ranges (range1 and range2) to the sum range by changing the ranges ("B9:B14") and ("D9:D14"), respectively, to any range in the worksheet, that doesn't conflict with the formula.

Usage of the Excel SUMIFS function and formula syntax


The Excel SUMIFS function returns the sum of all numbers in a specified range based on multiple criteria.
=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2], [criteria2], ...)
sum_range: (Required) The range of cells you want to sum from.
criteria_range1: (Required) The range of cells that you want to test criteria1 against.
criteria1: (Required) The criteria that is used to determine which of the cells, from range1, should be summed.
criteria_range2: (Optional) The range of cells that you want to test criteria2 against.
criteria2: (Optional) The criteria that is used to determine which of the cells, from range2, should be summed.

Note 1: The SUMIFS function allows the use of logical elements (>,<,<>,=).
Note 2: The SUMIFS function allows the use of wildcards:
* searches to find a match for the sequence of characters.
? searches to find a match to any single character.