Excel AREAS Function

The Excel AREAS function returns the number of ranges (areas) in a specified reference

Example: Excel AREAS Function

Excel AREAS Function

METHOD 1. Excel AREAS Function


Result in cell B5 (1) - returns the number of ranges (areas) from the selected reference.

Result in cell B6 (2) - returns the number of ranges (areas) from the selected references.

Result in cell B7 (3) - returns the number of ranges (areas) from the selected references.

Result in cell B8 (4) - returns the number of ranges (areas) from a defined name named Areas_Defined_Name. This defined name comprises four ranges (A1:D3,E2:K4,T4,P7:P10).

METHOD 2. Excel AREAS function using the Excel built-in function library


Formulas tab > Function Library group > Lookup & Reference > AREAS > populate the input box

Note: this example populates the Reference input box with a single range.
Built-in Excel AREAS Function - Selecting one range

Note: this example populates the Reference input box with multiple (3) ranges.
Built-in Excel AREAS Function - Selecting three ranges

Note: this example populates the Reference input box with a defined name that comprises multiple (4) ranges.
Built-in Excel AREAS Function - Using a defined name

METHOD 1. Excel AREAS function using VBA


Sub Excel_AREAS_Function()
'declare a variable
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("AREAS")
'apply the Excel AREAS function
ws.Range("B5") = ws.Range("D5:D6").Areas.Count
ws.Range("B6") = ws.Range("D7:G9,I7:O9").Areas.Count
ws.Range("B7") = ws.Range("D5:G7,I7:O9,Q7").Areas.Count
ws.Range("B8") = ws.Range("Areas_Defined_Name").Areas.Count

End Sub

Worksheets: The Worksheets object represents all of the worksheets in a workbook, excluding chart sheets.
Range: The Range object is a representation of a single cell or a range of cells in a worksheet.
Worksheet Name: Have a worksheet named AREAS.
Defined Name: Have a defined name named Areas_Defined_Name that comprises (A1:D3), (E2:K4), (T4) and (P7:P10) ranges.

Output Ranges: Select the output ranges by changing the range references ("B5"), ("B6"), ("B7") and ("B8") in the VBA code to any cell in the worksheet, that doesn't conflict with the formula.

Usage of the Excel AREAS function and formula syntax


The Excel AREAS function returns the number of ranges (areas) in a specified reference.
reference: (Required) Reference to a cell, range or a named range.

Note 1: The AREAS function only automatically provides one set of brackets, however, if you are using multiple ranges you will need to insert additional brackets to the function.