What is the VBA Editor?

Explanation about the VBA Editor

What is the VBA Editor?


A VBA Editor is an element of Excel where you input your VBA code. The VBA Editor comprises a number of windows that assist you with the creation of your VBA code.
The primary components of the VBA Editor are:

Project Explorer

The Project Explorer window displays the VBA Projects for each currently open workbook.
A Project Explorer window is a collection of VBA objects, modules and forms that are associated with the workbook that you working in. By default a Project Explorer window will comprise:
- Worksheet objects (this is linked to each individual worksheet that you currently have in your workbook)
- Workbook object (this is a single object that is linked to the workbook)
You can also add Modules, Class Modules and Userform objects into the Project Explorer window.

Properties Window

The Properties Window displays the properties of a selected object. The properties of an object vary depending on the type of object that is selected.

Immediate Window

The Immediate Window will assist you with debugging the VBA code by displaying output associated with debug statements. It also allows you to evaluate expressions or execute individual lines of VBA code.

Code Window

The Code Window is where you enter the VBA code. Each of object has a dedicated Code Window:
- Workbook object: VBA code linked to a workbook.
- Worksheet object: VBA code linked to a worksheet.
- Module: VBA code that is not linked to a specific object.
- Class Module: VBA code linked your own object.
- Usefrom: VBA code linked to a specific usefrom.

Locals Window

The Locals Window displays all local variables that are declared in the current procedure. It is split into three columns which shows the expression name, value and type for each variable. This information is automatically updated when the program is executed.

Watch Window
The Watch Window comprises four columns including expression name, value, type and context.