Sort data alphabetically (Z-A) in a column

How to sort data in an alphabetical order (Z to A) in a column using Excel and VBA methods

METHOD 1. Sort data alphabetically (Z-A) in a column


Select data > Home tab > Sort & Filter > Custom Sort > Select the Column by which to sort > Select which to Sort on > Select Order > OK

1. Select the range that captures the data you want to sort.
Note: in this example we are selecting the data with the headers selected.
Select range to be sorted with headers

2. Select the Home tab. Select Home tab - Excel 2016

3. Click on Sort & Filter in the Editing group.
4. Click on Custom Sort.
Click on Sort & Filter and click on Custom Sort

5. Select the Column by which you want to sort by.
Note: in this example we are sorting by a column that captures the product name and is titled Product List.
6. Select the Sort on type.
Note: in this example we are sorting by cell values.
7. Select Z to A from the Order drop down menu.
8. Click OK.
Note: by default the My data has headers checkbox should be checked, however, if it isn't you will need to check the checkbox.
Select Sort by column, select Cell Values and Z to A Order

9. This image represents the result of sorting the selected data in an alphabetical order (Z to A). Sorted data alphabetically (Z-A)

METHOD 2. Sort data alphabetically (Z-A) in a column


Select data > Home tab > Sort & Filter > Sort Z to A

1. Select the range that captures the data you want to sort.
Note: in this example we are selecting the data with the headers selected.
Select range to be sorted with headers

2. Select the Home tab. Select Home tab - Excel 2016

3. Click on Sort & Filter in the Editing group.
4. Click on Sort Z to A.
Click on Sort & Filter and click on Sort Z to A

5. This image represents the result of sorting the selected data in an alphabetical order (Z to A). Sorted data alphabetically (Z-A)

METHOD 1. Sort data alphabetically (Z-A) in a column using VBA


Sub Sort_Alphabetically()
'declare a variables
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Rng As Range
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set Rng = ws.Range("B3:C9")
'sort data in alphabetical order (Z to A) in column B
Rng.Sort Key1:=Range("B:B"), Order1:=xlDescending

End Sub

Worksheet Name: Have a worksheet named Sheet1.
Data Range: In this example the data is captured in range ("B3:C9"). This range does not include headings.
Column Order: In this example the data is being sorted alphabetically by column B, which is represented by range reference ("B:B").
Worksheet Name: Select the worksheet that captures the data that you want sort by changing the Sheet1 worksheet name.
Data Range: Select the data range that you want to sort by changing the range reference("B3:C9").
Column Order: Select the column which you want to sort alphabetically by changing the range reference ("B:B") to any column that is within the specified range.
Note 1: This VBA code assumes that the selected data range does not include headings.

Explanation about how to sort data alphabetically (Z-A) in a column


This tutorial explains and provides step by step instructions on how to sort data in an alphabetical order (Z to A) in a column using Excel and VBA methods.

Excel Methods: This tutorial provides two examples on how to sort data in an alphabetical order, in a column. The first method can be achieved in 8 steps and gives you more functionality through the Sort window. The second method can be achieved in 4 steps, however, it will only sort alphabetically based on the first selected column.

VBA Method: This tutorial provides one VBA example on how to sort data in an alphabetical order, in a column.