Rename an active Excel worksheet

How to rename an active Excel worksheet using VBA and Shortcut methods

METHOD 1. Rename an active Excel worksheet using VBA


Sub Rename_an_Active_Workheet()
'rename an active worksheet to Data
ActiveSheet.Name = "Data"

End Sub

Worksheet Selection: Select any worksheet in the workbook that you want to rename.
Rename Worksheet: Rename an active worksheet to any name, within Excel limits, by changing the Data worksheet name in the VBA code.

METHOD 2. Rename an active Excel sheet from a list using VBA


Sub Rename_an_Active_Worksheet()
Set wsName= Worksheets("Parameters").Range("C2")
'rename an active worksheet using a name that is assigned to wsName
ActiveSheet.Name = wsName.Value

End Sub

Worksheets: The Worksheets object represents all of the worksheets in a workbook, excluding chart sheets.
Range: The Range object is a representation of a single cell or a range of cells in a worksheet.
Worksheet Name: Have a worksheet named Parameters.
Rename Worksheet: Cell C2 in the Parameters worksheet needs to be populated with the name that you want to rename an active worksheet to.

New Worksheet Name: Select the name that you want to rename an active worksheet to by changing cell C2, in the VBA code, to any cell that captures the new name of an active worksheet. Please note that if the cell that contains the name that you want to rename an active worksheet to is located in another worksheet, you need to reference that worksheet in the VBA code.
Worksheet Selection: Select the worksheet where you hold the new worksheet name by changing the Parameters worksheet name in the VBA code.
Worksheet Selection: Select any worksheet in the workbook that you want to rename.

Rename an active worksheet using a Shortcut




The shortcut will highlight the name of the active worksheet and you can then type the new name.

Explanation about how to rename an active worksheet


This tutorial explains and provides step by step instructions on how to rename an active worksheet using VBA and Shortcut methods.

VBA Methods: Using VBA you can rename an active worksheet by directly entering the name that you want to rename the worksheet to or by referencing to a cell that holds the name that you want to rename the worksheet to.

Shortcut Method: Using a Shortcut you can highlight the name of the active worksheet and you can then rename the worksheet.